Chief Crowfoot on the Shortlist for New $5 Bill
November 16, 2020

Did you know that Lethbridge is on the traditional land of the Blackfoot Confederacy? In 1877 Treaty number 7 was negotiated between the Blackfoot Confederacy and the colonial forces — leading the negotiations was Sitsoka Chief Isapo-Muxika (Cheif Crowfoot).
Isapo-Muxika was a key link between the Indigenous people of Canada on the Western Plains and colonial forces. Isapo-Muxika led his people with justly and fairly, doing whatever he believed was the best for his people. Because of these reasons, Isapo-Muxika is a very important part of Southern Alberta and Canadian History.
Learn more about Isapo-Muxika
In 1904 Isapo-Muxika’s Regalia was sold to the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Britain for £10. For the past few years, many people of the Blackfoot Nation have been trying to get his regalia back home including ceremonial elder and the head of repatriation for Siksika, Herman Yellow Old Women have been trying to get Cheif Crowfoot’s regalia returned to its home. Their efforts paid off – The good news was told to Yellow Old Women on April 7th, 2020. Chief Crowfoots’ regalia will be returning to Alberta.
Read more about Isapo-Muxika (Chief Crowfoot) regalia to return to Alberta
Isapo-Muxika more commonly known as Chief Crowfoot is on the shortlist of the Bank of Canada to be the new face of the $5. Having Isapo-Muxika as the face of the $5 would help educate the rest of Canada on an important person and part of Canadian history.
Learn more about Isapo-Muxika on the Bank of Canada’s Shortlist
See the Bank of Canada’s Shortlist