About Us

Tourism Lethbridge is the official Destination Management Organization for Lethbridge. A non-profit, the Lethbridge Destination Management Organization was incorporated under the Societies Act of Alberta in 2018. We work hard to promote the best attractions, experiences and events in our city and region.

Meet Our Team

Meet the team behind all that goes on at Tourism Lethbridge! From major events to amazing attractions, this is the team that makes sure locals and visitors are in the know!

In a long and expansive field, seemingly midday, there is a single pronghorn, looking back behind it, in focus. Blurred in the background, many more pronghorn can just barely be seen grazing on the grains in the field behind the focal pronghorn. Photo courtesy of Aimee.Explores on Instagram

Meet Our Board of Directors

Learn about the incredible locals sitting on our board of directors that help make tourism in Lethbridge and the Southern Alberta Region so amazing!

A woman is sitting in the grass at a lethbridge park [ainting on a wooden board. The woman is wearing a loose Hawaiian shirt and blue shorts, while painting a cosmic looking cat, in a bright pinkish red and blue and green rings around its head. the woman has flower earrings and has the board she is painting on leaning up against a tree. at the bottom the boar, her photos of reference can bee seen positioned for easy viewing while the woman paints.

Our Vision and Mission

The Tourism Lethbridge Board of Directors has framed a Vision, Mission and list of Core Values to guide our organization.

Cover for the 2021 Annual Report for Tourism Lethbridge. The cover geartures a young woman climbing the west side of the old man river coulees.

Annual Reports

Learn more about us and see what we have been up to in our past years' annual reports!

Press Releases

Access our past press releases.

cover of the 2022 Lethbridge Experiences Guide by Tourism Lethbridge

Visitor Guides

Start planning your trip to Lethbridge with our Experiences Guide! From exploring the city to day trips to 4 UNESCO sites you are sure to discover something new!

People inside of the visitor information centre for Tourism Lethbridge.  The information centre has many people in it with lots of different publications and brochures.

Our Visitor Centre

Whether you're looking for travel counselling or need to stretch your legs after using the sani station, come inside. We offer free WIFI, public washrooms and a friendly smile.