Discover Local Live Music with Upside Downtown at Casa this Summer!

Discover Local Live Music with Upside Downtown at Casa this Summer!


If you are looking for things to do inLethbridge this summer, Casa is hosting a weekly concert series on RotarySquare that is free for everyone to enjoy every Thursday night from 5 – 7 PM.The weekly concert series will see a new local artist take the stage andentertain audiences under the open skies of the long Southern Albertan summer.This is the perfect chance to enjoy local live performances under the canopiesthat cover Rotary Square! Find out about all the incredible performances comingto Rotary Square this summer.


July 4th: MomBod & Fawns

Kick off this summer's concert series witha double feature of MomBod and Fawns performing back-to-back at Upside Downtownon Rotary Square. MomBod brings a selection of laid-back rock and roll that's alittle noisy and a little bit wild, with a subtle sense of softness—kind oflike their kids! Afterward, Fawns will deliver some eclectic alt-rock right outof Lethbridge. No matter your tastes, there will surely be something for you toenjoy while kicking off the Upside Downtown Summer Concert Series. 


July 11th: Hurtin'

If you're craving some good times andcountry tunes, you'll surely be interested in the high-energy performanceHurtin' puts on at Rotary Square. Focusing on hits from the last half of the20th century, you'll undoubtedly hear many classic hits and some deep cuts youforgot but wish you hadn't! Don't miss this classic country party band whenthey perform for the Upside Downtown Concert Series on July 11th!


July 18th: Doghouse Orchestra

The Doghouse Orchestra comes to us straightfrom the vibrant music scene in Toronto and blends genres into a soulfulgroove! Following their 2023 debut recordings and an accompanying tour, theMariposa Emerging Artist Showcase winners take to the stage of the UpsideDowntown Concert Series on Rotary Square on July 18th!


July 25th: ADEQUATE!

Having formed in 2014 in Lethbridge,adequate has been bringing more than adequate music to this city for a decade!Unlike the name suggests, these four men are more than adequate; they arespectacular! With new-age grooves and an influence of funk, they are sure toget you up on your feet and moving in no time! Don’t miss their performance aspart of the Upside Downtown Concert Series on July 25th!


August 1st: Badlands

This alternative country quartet based outof Lethbridge, Alberta, is here to show audiences a toe-tapping good time!Badlands delivers songs that focus on the tribulations, triumphs, andtemptations that life always offers on a revolving rotation. Whether you’re asimple toe-tapper or a bona fide two-stepper, you don’t want to miss thisUpside Downtown performance on August 24th!


August 8th: Atomicos

Inspired by the prairies of wheat that rolllike a golden ocean, Southern Alberta-tinged surf-rock comes to Upside Downtowncourtesy of Atomicos. With the groove and funk of ocean-punk and a little bitof the psychedelic melancholy of the 80s comes the laid-back but still funkytunes of Atmicos. Don’t miss this incredible double feature of the Casa UpsideDowntown Concert Series!


August 15th: Starpainter

Just two months after the release of theirdebut album ‘Rattlesnake Dream,’ Starpainter takes to the Upside DowntownStage. Wearing their influences on their sleeves and setting their hearts onmaking gently psychedelic alt-twang tones, Starpainter is a local Lethbridgefolk-rock band with a unique perspective and story. With nods from CBC, CKUA,and Earshot’s Canada-wide Folk/Roots Top 10, Starpainter is undoubtedly arising star in the Local music scene.


August 22nd: Clover Overboard &Karen Romanchuk

The groovy stylings of Dropkick Murphy andFlogging Molly inspire this Celtic pop-rock band based in Lethbridge. Theirstyle leans towards noisy rather than pretty, but no matter what they play, youwill surely be up and on your feet in no time. A performance from none otherthan Karen Romanchuk will follow Clover Overboard!


August 29th: Hippodrome

Known as Lethbridge’s premier rhythm andgroove ensemble, Hippodrome is closing out the Upside Downtown Concert Serieswith a bang. This 11-piece group brings rock-solid rhythm and a dynamic hornsection to bring their performances to life. With a wide range of sounds andsongs, there is sure to be something for everyone in every hippodrome set!Don’t miss the final performance of the Upside Downtown Concert Series inLethbridge.


No matter what show you attend, there'ssurely an incredible local live performance waiting for you on Rotary Square atCasa this summer. Don’t forget to share any videos or photos of the event withus and your friends on social media using #ExploreLethbridge. Weare always looking at all the incredible things people are getting up to inLethbridge and we love to share our favourite shots from around the city. Don’tworry though, we always ask before sharing!